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LSD "Golden Lord Shiva" 220ug pure White Peaks XTAL laid on exclusive blotter artwork. May the Golden Shiva guide you in your travels!

Starting at €1.50/blotter

LSD "Mayan Mermaid" 200ug pure LSD laid on exclusive blotter artwork, a single dose takes you on a daytrip to a galaxy far far away, even in times of Corona!

Starting at €1.36/blotter

LSD "Lord Shiva" 130ug pure White Peaks XTAL laid on exclusive blotter artwork. A great blotter for a clean and fun trip! May Lord Shiva guide you in your travels!

Starting at €1.18/blotter

An elegant white amphetamine powder of the highest quality. Who needs Pharma when you’ve got NamasteLSD?

Starting at €3.75/gram

MDMA "White Fluff", a single dose takes you in to ecstasy for hours.

Starting at €4/gram

XTC Pills containing 230MG MDMA each. Due to the drought there are different presses available and right now its not possible to pick a specific press.

Starting at €1.49/pill

Sweet powerful pink Goombas, 20MG of 2CB powder!

Starting at €1.17/pill

2C-B Hcl Powder is a powerful psychedelic drug, a few miligrams of this will take you to another world!

Starting at €40.42/gram

S-Ketamine (Sugar), top quality pharma-grade Indian ketamine in a fine, beautiful white sugar.

Starting at €14.66/gram

R-Ketamine (Needles), top quality pharma-grade Indian ketamine in small bright white shards and needle like crystals.

Starting at €14.66/gram

Xanax (Flu-alp), really nice pressed C2 Xanax bars filled with Flu-Alprazolam at the equivalent of 2MG Alprazolam.

Starting at €0.85/bar

3-Methylmethcathinone (also known as 3-MMC or metaphedrone) is a lovely chemical often described as “between MDMA and cocaine”. Its quite similar to 4-MMC (Mephedrone) but less intense.

Starting at €6.59/gram

4-MMC PRE-BAN quality (Mephedrone) is a very potent potent stimulant drug of the amphetamine and cathinone class, which users can swallow, snort or inject, producing similar effects to MDMA and cocaine.

Starting at €8.2/gram

Insanely pure methamphetamine synthesized through synth with ephedrine. No question where the nickname "Icicles" came from if you see these crystal clear icicles!

Starting at €29/gram

NO-NONSENSE S-Ketamine (Sugar), top quality pharma-grade Indian ketamine in a fine, beautiful white sugar. Read the no-nonsense info page before you order.

Starting at €6.50/gram